I am writing this in regards to a new drug called Acaiburn. Its not what you think.
Since decompression surgery, i have put on a lot of weight due to not being as active as i once was. I was told by my Neurosurgeon to try and loose weight as this may ease some of my discomfort. I made an appointment with my GP and told him that i needed help with losing weight. He told me that i needed to loose a few pounds and he would put me on a drug that would help me shed those pounds. I did what he said and lost a few pounds. I went back to see him and he said he would not put me on the drug like he said he would. He took my blood pressure and told me it was very high and prescribed me with blood pressure tablets and to go back and see him after two weeks. Today will be two weeks and i am due to see him later today.
I had stopped smoking for twelve months prior to decompression and have now started again due to stress in my relationship and to also try and suppress my appetite ( i know this is not the answer, but i needed to try something).
I was now desperate so i googled for a weight loss program. I found a new break through in weight loss, or so i thought. It was a website entitled " how i lost 5 stone 4 pounds in under 15 weeks. It is a story of a woman who combined a new wonder drug called Acaiburn and a drug called colon cleanse. The weight had dropped of her in weeks. It sates that she had found a way of ordering a two weeks course of both drugs for free. It gave a link with a code to enter in order for you to get these free trials. I went along with this and ordered my free trials of both drugs. I had to pay postage and packing which only cost me $9.00. I received the drugs within two weeks and started the course in the way she explained.
I received a bank statement yesterday and found that £74.00 had been taken from my account by a overseas company. I rang the bank immediately and asked what this was. The lady from the bank told me that there was another amount of £54.00 taken from the account that day from the same company and another £54.00 the day before. This is a scam where there is a hidden subscription that is not mentioned. The lady from the bank said that the company is known to their fraud department and that more monies will likely be taken. I now have to wait for a declaration to be sent to me so i can sign it before the money can be refunded back into my account. Meantime this will keep happening. I now face bank charges as this has brought me over my overdraft limit. I am out of work due to this disorder, i am close to bankruptcy and face loosing my home. I have been hanging on by the skin of my teeth and this has happened.
The web address to avoid is http://loseweight-quickly.co.uk/amysdiet.php.
Don't Be fooled.
1 comment:
I have always been curious about functionality in websites and, well, the world in general. I read this article with great interest. It does seem to me that the reason we comment is to speak our minds so why not have the comment field first? However, as others have pointed out, one gets used to the conventions regardless of reason.
get degree form home
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