If you receive Employment and Support Allowance you will have a Work Capability Assessment to find out if you are able to work.
Employment and support allowance (ESA) was introduced in late 2008 for people who have a health condition or disability that limits their ability to work. ESA replaces Incapacity Benefit (IB) or Incapacity related Income Support (IS) for adults making new claims in the UK. Almost everyone who claims ESA will attend a work Capability Assessment (WCA) to determine their level of benefit and any support they need to start work. Over the next few years, WCA’s will also become compulsory for people on IB or IS. Knowing what to expect can help you prepare and feel more confident. read more click on Support forum under General Support
Hi friends how's things ? I feel your pain all I have chari type 2,and the syringomyelia cyst c2 to between t8/9.... Last mri 3
years ago
I'm losing control over my left arm and breathing is getting hard
Syringomyelia UK page .... Where is it anyone
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